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Is Rubio Monocoat worth it?

Is Rubio Monocoat worth it?

Is Rubio Monocoat worth it?

As you begin to consider the best wood finish for your project, you may ask yourself, is Rubio Monocoat worth it? That question depends on what feature you look at and what features or benefits you desire or expect from a wood finishing product.

Let’s take a closer look at Oil Plus 2C (Interior) and Hybrid Wood Protector (Exterior) and examine some of those features.


0% VOCs means there are no VOCs in the formulation of either Oil Plus 2C or Hybrid Wood Protector. Neither product emits VOCs in the space where the product is applied or where the finished wood is placed after the application.

That results in a very safe work environment and living environment without exposure to VOCs.

Single coat application

Both Oil Plus 2C and Hybrid Wood Protector are single coat products. Our oils are not your typical brush-on varnish or stain. These Rubio products are applied in a fashion that does not build up a film but leaves a hand-rubbed type of wood finish application. So no-film build at all.

You may be wondering, “do I have to apply a finish over this product for protection?”

The answer is no.

The products are based on a unique molecular bonding technology that does not require a topcoat application at all. Instead, the product provides superior protection (in a one-step application) of the wood surface compared to other oils and/or penetrating-oil wood finishes.

Labor & time savings

Due to the single coat application process, there is the benefit of considerable time and labor cost savings over more traditional oils or polyurethane finishes. Typically, you are required to apply a 2-3 coat system with these traditional finishes to achieve adequate finishing levels.

Quick curing

Oil Plus 2C is supplied as a 2-component product. The B-Component is called "Accelerator B," and gets added at a 3:1 ratio (Oil: B component). When this B component is added to the A component, it accelerates the Oil Plus 2C’s drying and curing. The drying and curing are sped up to just five days (under favorable drying conditions) instead of 3 weeks when the oil is used by itself as a single component wood finish (like on light duty use projects like picture frames, etc.). Adding Accelerator B also provides better performance and protection than when the Oil Plus A component is used and applied by itself. Rubio always recommends that the A and B component are used together for best performance when applied to heavy use wood substrates like floors and tables. It is also recommended for surfaces exposed to heavy use like kitchen cabinets, counters, or bathrooms.

Once applied, the 2-component oil mixture is typically 80% cured after just 48 hours under favorable drying and curing conditions.

For exterior Applications of our Hybrid Wood Protector, the dry time is like most other deck or siding stains and final cure takes typically about seven days.

Inconvenience and downtime are limited for property owners.

Because Oil Plus 2C has only a minimal odor (some users quote a "not unpleasant odor" or “like honey”), is 0% VOC, and quick curing, homeowners may move furniture in as soon as the third day after application on their wood floors. However, you do not want to place area rugs on oiled wood floors until after the curing process is complete.

Natural look & feel

The most appealing feature of Oil Plus 2C is its very natural look and feel. Its matte sheen level and smooth feel provide the perfect wood finish for individuals who prefer a hand-rubbed finishing level. Rubio Monocoat hardwax oils do not provide film build when properly applied, unlike a traditional wood finish like a polyurethane, which provides a plastic-like appearance. There is nothing wrong with that look, but nowadays, many individuals prefer and are looking for a non-film building wood finish with a natural hand-rubbed appearance.

Does not peel or flake

Rubio Monocoat does not peel or flake off from the wood surface because of the non-film forming nature of the hardwax oil system. Film building wood finishes like polyurethane run a risk of this since each application must adhere to the previously applied coating. If anything is wrong with that, then adhesion loss like peeling or flaking is likely to occur.

With Rubio Monocoat hardwax oil, this will not a problem. Even with future maintenance applications, this does not happen. Since each future maintenance oil application only nourishes the previously applied product without leaving any film build. Please remember that it is required to remove all excess oil from the surface.


The oils used in the formulation and manufacturing of Rubio Monocoat wood finish oils are based on natural ingredients. This means that the product is very safe to use and is equally safe for your environment. In addition, Oil Plus 2C’s certifications allow it to be an ideal wood finish for food-contact surfaces or kids furniture!


Rubio Monocoat hardwax oil products are very easy to repair. Touchup work, if required, is easy to accomplish. Prepare the localized spot that needs some care with the same sanding procedure as initially done. Next, clean, then apply some oil in the same colour as original applied, and rub it in. Lastly, wipe the surface dry with a rag and allow it to dry. In most cases, that is all that is needed.

Color variety

The great thing that sets Rubio Monocoat apart is that the interior oil comes in an extensive range of colours, 55 to be precise! All those colours may be intermixed with each other, so literally, thousands of colours may be created this way. Rubio Monocoat offers several Pretreatment products that further add to the gamma of creative colour options!


So, is Rubio worth it? We feel it is absolutely worth it! With all these great benefits, you can't go wrong.